Baby food and feeding

Wet-nurse basics

Breastfeeding is the healthiest and most natural way to feed the child.
Each breast milk components is applied directly to your child's needs. It contains a huge amount of antibody and protein which are needed to your baby to be happy and healthy. Breastfeeding can be a pleasant emotional experience for you both, although it required some skill, there are many reasons to be worth to try achieve a good result. Nothing is better than breast-feeding.

Good for baby. American Academy of Pediatric recommends that mothers should do breast-feeding at least a year and certainly no less than six months. There are several reasons that justify such categorical assertions. Children who are breastfed, less often suffer from ear infections, less vomit, they rarely have diarrhea, and they rarely suffer from such ailments as pneumonia, child diabetes, and brain inflammation of the sheath. The most recent discoveries confirm that breast milk stimulates brain development. Breast milk is easier to digest than milk powder blends, goat or cow milk. It contains all the minerals and the balance of nutrients. Breast milk is very convenient: it does not cost anything and is always ready when your baby is hungry.

Good for mother. Breast-feeding is beneficial for you as well as your child's health. Breastfeeding is the ideal way to establish strong connections with the newborn. According to the latest discoveries, women who have done breast feeding are 50% lower chance of developing a menopausal breast cancer. Breastfeeding also gets rid of excess weight, because when you nurse, body burns the special kind of fat accumulated during pregnancy. So you can recover your usual figure.

The first serious meal

For several months, your baby has only breast milk or an appropriate portion of the milk from the bottle in his menu. However, now the baby begins to ask for more. When is the right moment the babies menu add other food?

When start?

Recent discoveries recommend supplementing baby's menu at the end of the sixth month of baby’s life. Larger babies may begin to require diversification of the menu a bit faster, but the milk (mother milk and the powder mix) must remain the menu key components up to the first year or even longer.

There is no need to hurry with a constant product introduction. In what age your baby will begin to use them as food will not impact his intellectual development. Remember that babies who begin to use the extra feed before age of 6 months often has problems with a peaceful sleep. There are few studies that convincingly refute the ancient beliefs. Therefore, take your time and do not do anything under compulsion.

Your child is ready to pick a permanent feed, if he:

* Shows interest in what other people eat.
* Move his mouth when see how others eat.
* Is more hungry despite he have eaten a large enough portion of the milk from the breast or bottle.
* Don’t reject the spoon when you try to feed him.
* Upon receipt of a meal, inhale lip, instead of crowding.
* Own-initiative keeps his head upright.


When you begin to add other products to your baby`s menu, slowly and gradually add one product. Introduce baby with only one food in a week. This will allow you to make sure that your child is not against the food effect allergy or hypersensitivity. Allergic reaction symptoms usually appear as a rash on the cheeks and the areas where the skin is covered with napkins. Allergy symptoms can also be food repulsion or diarrhea.

Sugar and salt to children is not required. Do not add seasoning to baby`s food!
Always feed baby with spoon, do not add foods from bottle during meal.

Start with a pap

Most of the baby starts to eat baby pap produced from the same variety of grain. Most often they are rice porridge, which is easily digestible. Mixed with breast milk, milk substitute or water, they are a good iron, B vitamins and calorie source that require your baby. Once you've tried the rice pap, you can try to offer your baby the other pups.

Sit down your baby on your knee or in his furniture, and give him food with small portions, so that he could vaporize new food and get used to it. If the child refuses from food, turn away head, it may mean that he is not ready for the reception of the new food yet. If so, try again after a week. Never push the child to eat.

It’s Time for vegetables

Yellow vegetables such as pumpkin or carrot, is sweeter than green vegetables, so it would be better if baby in beginnings would be offered pellets of potatoes or beans. If at first your baby gets used to the sweetest taste of vegetables, it would be hard to add green vegetables to your baby`s menu.

Before your baby has not reached the age limit of one year, do not add any beets, rapeseed and darker green vegetables, e.g., Broccoli. These vegetables are too much nitrogen-containing substances.

It’s Time for fruits.

Avoid citrus fruits. They may be too acidic for your baby's stomach and promote the formation of rash. Citrus fruits are often cause allergic reaction. Many pediatricians do not recommend give your child citrus juice at this time. Fresh fruit is very healthy, but fruit juices is mainly composed of sugar and water and don`t alleviate thirst so well as mother's milk or milk mixture. When you are giving your baby a juice, use a cup rather than give to drink from the bottle. Baby quickly will learn a new type of drinking. Children, who drink juice from a bottle, usually drink too much.

Basic knowledge’s of children's food.

When baby first taste adults food, it should be soft, homogeneous and shredded. Do not buy baby food containing artificial additives - carefully read the label!

Be careful!

Babies and small children can choke with some products.

Here's what you never give to eat your child:

* Grapes, olives or other small, round products
* Lollipops and jelly candies,
* Popcorn,
* Peanuts and other nuts,
* Others a solid and detailed products.

To make sure that your baby will not choke, never leave him alone during meal. Then, even your baby choke, you'll be able to respond quickly and help him. Always feed your baby in sitting posture!

How to add vegetables to your babies menu?

The answer is quite simple. Think about “diet”-decrease the amount of sweets, porridges with practically no sugar, tea-unsweetened, between mealtimes no extra food. It will be difficult, but it must be done. When the baby is offered adequate nutrition and proper feeding regime - no snacks and sweets, then baby is ready to eat vegetables and meat.

Unfortunately, this is the parents' fault that the baby is such eating habits.

Baby Bottle Sterilizers

Safety is the most relevant aspect when it comes to babies and their needs. Therefore, all the products they use must be the best and the safest. One of these very important baby feeding products would be the baby bottle sterilizer, which facilitates any parent's life and which ensures your baby's safety.

Many of the sterilizers on the market today make parenting a lot easier as they don't depend so much on the parent looking out for the bottles while they are in the sterilizer. These sterilizers offer babies the possibility to eat their meals in the safest conditions, being very important for the bottles babies eat from to be sterile. According to many parents all over the world, one of the most prestigious baby feeding product company is Avent, which manufactures sterilizers, bottle warmers and many other such products.

Another revolutionary idea is that of disposable baby bottles, which make it a lot easier for the parents to feed their babies wherever they are, without having to worry about the entire process which has to be done before a baby's meal. These bottles are very convenient because sterility is no longer a problem with them. These bottles have a liner which only has to be removed after the baby has eaten and then you can use the bottle just like that when the time of the next meal arrives.
